Hi, I'm Prof. Luciano Siqueira.

With more than 25 years of experience as a pharmacist (UFSM) and university professor, I bring a passion for studying metabolism and its complexities, cultivated since my undergraduate studies and deepened in my master's and doctorate in biochemistry.

During my academic journey, I faced challenges trying to understand complex concepts present in books, classes and teacher guidance. However, after years of study, I developed teaching methods based on simple correlations in our daily lives, making the intricate metabolic processes and their clinical implications accessible.

Over the years, I have met former students, now respected professionals, who fondly remember my classes. Your words of recognition remind me of the positive impact I can make as an educator.

Although changing the world, science and society may seem like a monumental task, as a teacher, I believe in the power of training people capable of transforming the world.

Therefore, if you have already faced difficulties with biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology taught in a harsh and academic way, I am here to demystify these topics! My goal is to teach critical and clinical thinking, promoting lifelong learning!

I invite you to follow me on social media, where I share content that can enrich your education.

Together, we can build a more promising future in healthcare!


        Graduation in Pharmacy and Biochemistry (UFSM)

  Specialization in clinical and toxicological analysis (UFSM)

  Specialist title in hematology laboratory (SBHH)

  Master's degree in Biological Sciences - Toxicological Biochemistry (UFSM)

  PhD in Biological Sciences - Biochemistry (UFRGS)

  MBA in strategic management and business innovation (UPF)



University education

  Federal University of Santa Maria (1998-1998);

    University of Cruz Alta (1999-2001);

    University of Alto Uruguay and Missions (2002-2011);

    University of Passo Fundo (2000-current).


University management

  Former coordinator. of the Pharmacy course (UPF)

  Former coordinator. specialization in clinical and toxicological analyzes (5 editions);

  Former coordinator of the specialization in hematology and hemotherapy (2 editions);

  Former member of the UPF unit council

        Former member of the UPF university council 


Research and innovation

   Course completion work advisor (77 completed);

   Master's dissertation advisor (7 completed);

   Doctoral thesis advisor (1 completed);

   Scientific initiation advisor (49 completed);

   Supervision of specialization monographs (46 completed);

   Former permanent researcher at PPG in Human Aging;

   Member of researchers at the University of Passo Fundo.


Representation of a professional class entity

   Member of the Regional Pharmacy Council of Rio Grande do Sul (2021-2025).


Clinical laboratory

   Oswaldo Cruz Laboratory - Santa Maria-RS

   Laboratory School of Pharmacy of the University of Cruz Alta-RS

   Biocito Laboratory - Passo Fundo-RS


Scientific production

   57 Articles in peer-reviewed indexed journals

   8 book chapters

   8 books


Online courses and classes

You will soon have access to a comprehensive portfolio of highly didactic and practical classes and courses, covering essential topics such as biochemistry and basic physiology, as well as clinical biochemistry, clinical hematology and laboratory medicine with a special focus on pathophysiology.

Our classes will be carefully structured into learning paths, with gamification elements and rewards for progress, including the release of free content, all in an environment similar to Netflix!!! We will also offer an exclusive area for members with a benefits program and much more!

Stay tuned for more news soon!

Follow me on social media
